Trends in Scholarly Publishing
Trends in Scholarly Publishing (TSP) is an international, double-blind, peer-reviewed, open-access journal published by the Asian Council of Science Editors with one issue(s) per year. TSP is dedicated to disseminating cutting-edge research, insightful reviews, industry updates, and informed opinions across the entire spectrum of scholarly communication and publishing. Our mission is to serve as a comprehensive resource for a diverse audience that spans publishers, vendors, librarians, academics, and researchers globally, reflecting the multifaceted nature of today's scholarly publishing landscape.
- To Foster Inclusive Dialogue: We aim to be a platform where voices from all sectors involved in scholarly and professional communications can share insights, fostering a more inclusive dialogue that spans geographical and disciplinary boundaries.
- To Drive Innovation in Publishing: By highlighting the latest research, trends, and technological advancements, we strive to be at the forefront of innovation in scholarly publishing, helping the community navigate the evolving digital era.
- To Uphold Integrity and Quality: Through rigorous peer review and a commitment to excellence, we seek to maintain the highest standards of integrity and quality in all published content, ensuring trust and reliability in the dissemination of scholarly work.
Our journal covers a broad range of topics relevant to scholarly publishing, including but not limited to:
- The evolution and future trends in academic publishing
- Open access models and their impact on research dissemination
- Ethical considerations and best practices in scholarly publishing
- Technological advancements and their applications in publishing
- The role of libraries and information professionals in supporting academic research
- Strategies for enhancing the visibility, impact, and equity of scholarly research
- Case studies and analyses of publishing models and their effectiveness
We seek submissions that offer evidence-based insights and innovative approaches to improve the publishing process and enhance the accessibility, efficiency, impact, and equity of scholarly research communication. Our vision is that Trends in Scholarly Publishing will empower everyone involved in the publication of scholarly information to make informed decisions, driving forward the collective mission of advancing knowledge and understanding.
Why Publish in this journal?
- Fast decisions and rapid online publication
- Discoverable in the leading indexing databases
- Global reach with impact
- Expert Editorial Board to manage submitted paper
- Personalised service from in-house staff
- Discoverable research read by millions of people
Abstracting and Indexing
Trends in Scholarly Publishing has gained significant recognition within the academic community and has been indexed in several prestigious platforms:
- Asian Digital Library
- ASCI-Database
- Google Scholar
- JournalsPedia
- Open Access Asia
These indexing services ensure that the content of our journal is widely accessible and discoverable by researchers and scholars worldwide. Our published articles, reviews, and perspectives receive increased visibility and reach through these reputable databases, fostering collaboration and knowledge dissemination within the global scientific community.
Acceptance Criteria
To be published in Trends in Scholarly Publishing, a paper must demonstrate scientific validity and technical soundness in its methodology and analysis. As a peer-reviewed scientific journal, Trends in Scholarly Publishing evaluates submitted manuscripts based on research methods, relevance to readers, writing style, presentation clarity, and adherence to high ethical standards, irrespective of perceived novelty.
Editorial Board
The Editorial Board serves as the backbone of a successful journal. The Editorial Board of Trends in Scholarly Publishing comprises the Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Board members. All Editorial Board Members are selected based on strict criteria, ensuring their active and productive contribution to the journal. The Editorial Team of Trends in Scholarly Publishing is responsible for maintaining the quality of published research, enhancing the journal's impact, and contributing to the advancement of the broader scientific community.
Reviewer's Database
Trends in Scholarly Publishing strives to make decisions on all submitted manuscripts, including commissioned content, based on the advice provided by at least two independent reviewers. To facilitate this process, Trends in Scholarly Publishing maintains a reviewer database. This database assists us in identifying the most suitable subject experts who can thoroughly review the manuscript.
Ethics in Publication
Trends in Scholarly Publishing fully adheres to and complies with the policies and principles established by the Committee on Publication Ethics and the Asian Council of Science Editors . The Trends in Scholarly Publishing editors enforce a rigorous peer-review process, along with strict ethical policies and standards, to ensure the publication of high-quality scientific works in the field.